Polymath program p8-18i.pol chemical reaction engineering
Polymath program p8-18i.pol chemical reaction engineering

polymath program p8-18i.pol chemical reaction engineering

polymath program p8-18i.pol chemical reaction engineering

Polynomial and multilinear regression programs are in POLYMATH and AXUM, nonlinear in CONSTANTINIDES and AXUM. These topics are explained in specialist books and briefly by CHAPRA CANALE. With the POLYMATH nonlinear regression program the rate law with the parameter k and n can be determined. We can solve this equation either graphically or numerically using the POLYMATH nonlinear regression program. Ī plot of the reciprocal reaction rate versus the reciprocal urea concentration should be a straight line with an intercept 1/rmax and slope M/ max ( Lineweaver-Burk plot). POLYMATH Results Calculated values of the DEQ variables Variable W X y e FA0 FB0 Fa Fb v0 v Fc Ca Cb a k rA Cc initial value 0 0 1 -0.5 2.0E-05 2.0E-05 2.0E-05 2.0E-05 2.83E-07 2.83E-07 0 70.671378 70.671378 3.55E+05 0.004 -19. These estimates can be obtained using Ihe linear-least-squares technique discussed on the CD-ROM Professional Reference Shelf. In order to carry out the search efficiently, in some cases one has to enter initial estimates of the parameter -alues close to the actual values.

polymath program p8-18i.pol chemical reaction engineering

Cutlip Note: These solutions are for a set of numerical problems in chemical engineering developed for Session 12 at the ASEE Chemical Engineering Summer School held in Snowbird, Utah on August 13, 1997.

Polymath program p8 18i.pol chemical reaction engineering software#

Many software programs are available to find these parameter values so that all one has to do is enter the data, The Polymath software will be used to illustrate this technique. Paper Title: POLYMATH Solutions to the Chemical Engineering Problem Set Authors: Mordechai Shacham and Michael B. In nonlinear regression analysis, we search for those parameter t alues that minimize the sum of the squares of the differences beiw een the measured values and the calculated values for all the data points.- Not only can nonlinear regression find the best estimates of parameter values, it can al,so be used to discriminate between different rate law models, such as the Langmutr-Hin-shelw ood models discussed in Chapter 10.

Polymath program p8-18i.pol chemical reaction engineering